Create a PHP-MySQL zip code radius search
If you’re looking to create a zip code radius search utility for your website, it’s much easier than it seems. I’ve based this tutorial off of which is not currently maintained, but has a good majority of US zip codes to test our concept.
To setup the schema for this tutorial, download the MySQL dump here and import it into your database. Once you import the dump, you will see a table called zip_codes with the following columns:
- – US zip code
- zip_codes.state – State abbreviation
- zip_codes.longitute
- zip_codes.latitude
- zip_codes.full_state – Full state name
Here is a utility class that I created to do all of the search operations.
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I created a simple JSON endpoint where I could pass in a zip code and see if it was in the radius area of an existing service location zip. For instance, if you have a septic pumping service, you can only service homes and business within a twenty mile radius from each location. Here is a sample of how to implement the utility class.
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To implement on the front-end, simply use jQuery to consume the JSON endpoint.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | jQuery.get( 'http://url/to/endpoint/?zip=' + zip_value, function ( response ) { if ( response.serviceable ){} else if ( response.error ){} else { // not serviceable } } ); |
That’s it! You can probably see how easy you it is to implement a nearby search of other locations by querying against the returned list of nearby zip codes. From there, you could return the client a list of location objects. The sky is the limit…well within the US.
If you are putting this in production, I would purchase a recent zip code list from You may have to change your queries a bit in the utility class to match their schema. Have fun!
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